The Road to Inclusion - two MPs' views on this, and MY CALL TO ACTION moving forward
In 2018, Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Member of Parliament Rahayu Mahzam spoke on an I NCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM for children . She gave very good suggestions/proposals, all of which are still relevant today and in the future. I can sense the sincerity flowing from her, as she is speaking not only as an MP but also spoke from her heart as a mother herself of her special needs son with Down Syndrome. She also hit the nail on the head that these will benefit not only special needs students but also ALL STUDENTS and SINGAPORE AS A WHOLE. Among other things, two benefits stood out to me personally: All students get to learn values of empathy, kindness and compassion. They also make meaningful friendships they otherwise would not have. Enabling special needs students to have a good education to become working adults who can contribute economically, and this will lessen the need for resources (and thus the cost) needed for support structures that will be needed if they are not co...