My Portfolio of Autism Community Involvement

From Latest to Earliest

As at 16th September 2020

WhatsApp Autism Community Singapore (WACS) chat network, an autistic-led project/initiative  -, 2018 to present



Emerging Stronger Conversations, 12 September 2020


I spoke about issues autistics face, such as employment. I also spoke about a paradigm shift needed

Wild Poet’s Den #, Open Mic 2, 22 August 2020


# Wild Poets’ Den is a new monthly spoken word event in Singapore that aims to create an alcohol-free, warm, inclusive & safe space

for writers to come share their truths, musings, poems and stories.

“A Very Special Walk (AVSW) 2020” by the Autism Resource Centre (Singapore( (ARC(S)), June to August 2020 

Team Leader of “Neurodiversity Champions Unite” team, one of the Champion Teams who climbed the ranks to  among the top 10 fundraisers

Contribution during COVID-19: Poetry work published on MSF Facebook page, 5 June 2020: 

Focused Group Discussion, facilitated by MSF to get views for the 4th Enabling MasterPlan for the Autism community, 24 October 2019


Life After Death (LAD) Forum 2019”, the first autistic-led event in Singapore, 28 September 2019

Keynote Speaker

Asia Pacific Autism Conference (APAC) 2019, 20 to 22 June 2019

Delegate cum Report Writer

“A Very Special Walk (AVSW) 2018” by the Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) (ARC(S)), 28 July 2018



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